ESL with Victoria
2 min readJul 20, 2023


Have you ever stumbled on English words that probably got you tongue-tied?

I think it’s safe to say that almost every English speaker and English learner would answer YES to this question. The English language appears to be one of the easiest languages to learn and speak, no doubt. But, as easy as it seems, it certainly isn’t a walk in the park — it’s a language that almost always has a trick up its sleeves -It might not be as indecisive as the German language, but it’s cunny . As fluent as people think they are when speaking English, they are guilty of mispronouncing or saying many commonly used words in English. It’s puzzling that these are repeatedly used words but sometimes said wrongly.

Here are 5 words in English you’ve been saying wrongly:

  • WORCESTERSHIRE: I’m pretty sure you’re pronouncing this word as ‘WOR-CES-TER-SHI-ER’ — sorry to burst your bubble, but you’re wrong! It’s pronounced ‘WOOS-TER-SHER’. Tricky, eh? I thought so too.
  • DRAUGHT: This is the trickiest of all, and no, it’s not pronounced ‘DROT’ or ‘DRA-UT’. It’s pronounced ‘DRAFT’ . Yes! you read that correctly, ‘DRAFT’. Who would have thought?
  • PLAIT: Uhn uhn! Don’t say ‘PL-ATE’ — it’s pronounced ‘PLAT’.
  • QUINOA: This isn’t pronounced ‘KI-NO-AH’, rather ‘KIN-WAH’.
  • COLONEL: Did you say ‘CO L-OH-NEL’? Wrong! It’s pronounced ‘KEN-ULL’.

There you have it! Now you can start saying these words correctly

I hope you found this helpful. Leave a comment on this post if you liked it.

Thanks for reading.

ESL with Victoria

Learning and teaching English as a career and project of passion. Online ESL teacher. Oxinity teacher. Learn one-on-one with me